Meeting Place
In a land so vibrant and so harsh, I see worlds colliding. Meeting places are all around us. The soft blue snow meets the dark muddy ground. Noise and silence blend in the echoes. The tall, dark trees meet the bright blue skies. The reflection shows both sides, the same but somehow distorted and foggy. Feelings of isolation and freedom pick fights within my mind. Language disappears, communication forms within. I meet myself and lose myself, on the edge of the tree line.

Tupira / My Tent
This land is filled with mud, green leaves, frozen patches and snapped branches.
Everything is left bare and open for the picking.
One can pitch a thought and sit inside one’s mind, sipping tea.
This is my place, you took up this space!

Land Loss
Hollow stumps, deep roots, forgotten.
Tall, strong and proud; knelt down before the crown; land loss.
Foxy, moxie traded for leisure and luxury, priceless.
Children laugh, and children cry. Where is their home? Lost.

Umajurq / Animal / Alive
High on the tip of a branch, I sang your song. Low in the great blue show, I waved your colours. Out in the dark cold night, I lit your fire. Jagged sharp rocks, soft brown sand, I walked your journey. Sisters, Brothers and Cousins, our blood lines.