Quebec is the home of 11 Indigenous nations that are at once distinct and united by historical circumstances. For Inuit and First Nations alike, the circle is an important symbol of equality. Circles foster dialogue and put everyone on equal footing. Circles also represent the relationships that connect humans, animals, and nature — and nations to other nations — in short, the interconnectedness of all things.
Discover the Aboriginal nations of QuebecTales from the Turtle is a collection of stories that will appeal to the greatest number! Eleven incredible stories, eleven stories to share and cherish.
Around the Fire introduces the long-awaited results of the great Hannenorak literary competition. The winners of each of the Nations are gathered here.
Voices of the Present Times takes different avenues. This collection of testimonials documents the intrinsic qualities, talents and achievements that shape a leader in an Indigenous situation.
Our Roots is a biographical documentary portraying modern and historical figures who marked their Nation in their own way.
The eleven nations tell their stories, through the Tales from the Turtle, the stories Around the Fire, the testimonies Voices from the Present Times and the portraits Our Roots. Which nation will introduce you to this discovery ?